HISTORY 102                MODERN EUROPE                SPRING 2000
  Instructor:    Dr. A. McCandless
 Office:   327 Maybank Building
 Telephone:  952-8025/953-5711
 E-mail: mccandlessa@cofc.edu
Web: https://www.cofc.edu/~mccandla/amym.htm
 Office Hours:   11 am - 12 noon MWF; 2-3 pm TR
Required Readings
Perry, Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics and Society, Vol. II, 6th edition
Tierney and Scott, Western Societies: A Documentary History, Vol. II, 2nd edition
Internet Modern History Sourcebook https://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/modsbook.html
Voltaire, Candide
Selections (chapter 20) from Henri Barbusse, Under Fire: The Story of a Squad  https://eldred.ne.mediaone.net/wwone/uf20.html
Handouts as provided

Purpose of the Course
History is the study of the past in its entirety.  It looks at the politics, economics, ideologies, and societies of peoples and cultures.  There is no one "true" history.  Different writers from different regions and different eras not only interpret the same "facts" differently, but they also define the historical "process" differently. This semester's class will stress the role of ideas in history.  Readings, lectures, and assignments will focus on those ideologies which have influenced the development of the modern world. We will explore the philosophies of nationalism, liberalism, and socialism because they have shaped our current institutions and values. We will study the industrial revolution and the growth of nation-states because they are the basis of our modern industrial society. We will discuss the rise and decline of Europe, the divergence and convergence of East and West, and the ebb and flow of imperialism because they help explain recent economic and political developments.

It is impossible to cover every detail of life in every European country from 1715 to 2000 in one semester.  Subsequently, the course will concentrate on the significant ideas which influenced thought and policy in the major European countries in the period.  In the process we hope to achieve a better understanding of the present as well as the past.

Course Requirements
Journal.  Every student will be expected to keep a journal summarizing and analyzing the ideas raised in the readings.  Journals will include primary document analyses from Tierney and Scott and the Internet Modern History Sourcebook [See Primary Document Worksheet]; thematic essays on Candide and Under Fire [See Thematic Essays Worksheet]; quizzes; class worksheets; and class notes. Because a knowledge of geography is essential to understanding historical developments, you will be asked to label maps of Europe in 1815, 1926, and 2000.  Short quizzes will also be given on discussion material in Voltaire and Barbusse.  Worksheets on films will also count as quiz grades. Since I drop the two lowest grades from your journal, there will be NO MAKE UPS for quizzes.  You may use your journals for quizzes and examinations; thus, it is to your benefit to have current and thorough entries.

Class Participation, and Attendance. Class participation and attendance improve the class (and your grade).  A considerable amount of lecture material is not found in the text or readings, and the discussions are designed to help you better understand the topic.  Seven points will be subtracted from your attendance grade for each unexcused absence.  Please feel free to ask questions in class or by e-mail or to come by my office if you are uncertain about material in the lectures and/or readings.  If you must miss a class for a CofC function, please let me know beforehand.

Oral Presentation. In addition to participating in class discussions of Voltaire and Barbusse each student must sign up to present a related group of primary documents in Tierney and Scott or from the Internet Modern History Sourcebook. [See Primary Document Worksheet for specific details].

Tests and Examinations. Tests and exams will be based on material contained in the lectures, presentations, and readings.  There will be two hourly tests and a comprehensive final examination.  A note from the Dean of Undergraduate Studies is required to make up an examination.

Final grades will be based on a weighted average of the tests (40 percent or 20 percent each); thematic essays (20 percent); class work – quizzes, worksheets, oral presentation, class participation and attendance (20 percent); final examination (20 percent). The following grading scale will be used in determining final grades:  A = 90-100; B+ = 86-89; B = 80-85; C+ = 76-79; C = 70-75; D = 60-69; F = 0-59.
Date            Topics, Readings, and Assignments
Jan 14          Course Introduction
Jan 17          European Society in the Eighteenth Century
                    Tierney and Scott 4-6; Perry 370-374
                    Accounts of the "Potato Revolution," 1695 - 1845

Jan 19          Film: The Day the Universe Changed: Science Revises the Heavens
                    Perry 410-426

Jan 21          Toward a New World View
                    Tierney and Scott 102-106

Jan 24          Ideas of the Enlightenment
                    Tierney and Scott 106-118; 124-130;  Perry 429-449
Jan 26          Quiz; Discuss Candide
                    Thematic Essay Due

Jan 28          Film: Politeness and Enthusiasm
                    Perry 449-460

Jan 31          Origins of the French Revolution
                    Tierney and Scott 163- 179; Perry 465-78
Feb 2          Progress of the French Revolution
                   Tierney and Scott 179-196; Perry 478-487

Feb 4          The Napoleonic Heritage
                   Tierney and Scott 196-205; Perry 491-506
Feb 7          Map Quiz on Europe in 1815; Restoration Politics
                   Tierney and Scott 205-211; Perry 562-570; Map 23.2

Feb 9          Origins of Industrial Revolution
                    Tierney and Scott 136-161; Perry 510-519

Feb 11          Consequences of Industrialization
                     Tierney and Scott 240-249 and 262-267; Perry 519-529


Feb 16          Liberalism and Conservatism
                     Tierney and Scott 214-218, 232-237 and 292-94; Perry 542-552

Feb 18          Nationalism
                     Tierney and Scott 222-231 and 300-307; Perry 555-558, 572-582, 625-634

Feb 21          "The Woman Question"
                      Tierney and Scott 249-253 and 287-91; Perry 606-608
Feb 23           Socialism
                      Tierney and Scott 253-260; Perry 552-555

Feb 25           Marxism
                      Tierney and Scott 260-262; Perry 596-602
                      "Interview with Karl Marx"

Feb 28           Advanced Industrial Capitalism
                      Tierney and Scott 332-353; Perry 638-649

Mar 1            Darwinism
                      Tierney and Scott 277-287; Perry 590-596

Mar 3            Film: Darwin's Revolution in Thought

Mar 13         Imperialism
                     Tierney and Scott 321-328

Mar 15         Film: The Magnificent African Cake
                     Perry 668-693

Mar 17         Unification of Germany
                     315-20; Perry 612-625
Mar 20         Fin de Siecle Society
                    Perry 696-723

Mar 22         Origins of World War I
                     Tierney and Scott 356-370; Perry 729-748

Mar 24         Discuss: Chapter 20 in Henri Barbusse, Under Fire: The Story of a Squad
                    Thematic Essay Due


Mar 29         The Great War and its Consequences
                     Tierney and Scott 371-382; Perry 748-754

Mar 31          The Russian Revolution
                      Tierney and Scott 385-393; Perry 754-761

Apr 3            Map Quiz on Europe in 1926; Lenin and the Bolsheviks
                     Tierney and Scott 393-406; Map 29.3

Apr 5            Fall of Democracy and Rise of Totalitarianism
                     Tierney and Scott 420-424; Perry 766-769, 799-803, 809-831

Apr 7            Fascism in Italy
                     Tierney and Scott 424-426; Perry 776-783

Apr 10         Hitler and Eugenics; Film: Night and Fog
                    Tierney and Scott 426-433; Perry 783-798

Apr 12         Totalitarianism in the Soviet Union
                    Tierney and Scott 406-416; Perry 769-776

Apr 14         World War II
                    Tierney and Scott 433-451; Perry 836-862

Apr 17         Cold War
                    Tierney and Scott 458-474; Perry 867-873, 878-885

Apr 19         Building a New Europe
                    Perry 873-878;

Apr 21         Post-War Culture
                    Film: The Sixties 1965-69: The Angry Years

Apr 24         The Collapse of Communism and its Consequences
                    Tierney and Scott 476-488; Perry 888-899

Apr 26         Map Quiz on Europe in 2000;  The Contemporary World
                    Tierney and Scott 492-523; Perry 899-908
Apr 28         FINAL EXAMINATION, 8-11 am

The Honor Code of the College of Charleston specifically forbids cheating, attempted cheating, and plagiarism.  A student found guilty of these offenses will receive a failing grade in the course.  Additional penalties may include suspension or expulsion from the College at the discretion of the Honor Board. [See the College of Charleston Student Handbook for definitions of these offenses.]