Instructor: Dr. A. McCandless
Office: 327 Maybank Building
Telephone: 953-8025 or 953-5711
Office Hours: TR 8:00 - 9:15 am or by appointment

Course Content
Students will examine the role of gender, class, race, and region in explaining the social, economic, political, and cultural circumstances of women in the U. S. South.  Readings, films, and discussions are designed to illustrate the myths and realities of Southern womanhood from the colonial period to the present.

Required Readings
Clinton and Gillespie (eds.), The Devil's Lane: Sex and Race in the Early South
Clinton (ed.), Fanny Kemble's Journals
Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers Projectls
(See https://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/snhtml/)
Hagood, Mothers of the South: Portraiture of the White Tenant Farm Woman
Moody, Coming of Age in Mississippi
All readings should be completed by the date indicated on the syllabus.

Analytical Paper
Every student will be required to write a 10 to 15 page paper analyzing a primary document by or about a Southern woman. The document can be a diary or a journal, a collection of letters, an autobiography, or a series of newspaper articles, but it must be at least 50 pages long. The document may be published or in manuscript form. See paper worksheet for additional information on content and style. Papers are due on or before 15 April.

Tests, Examinations, and Quizzes
There will be two hourly tests and a comprehensive final examination.  All will include short answer and essay questions. An excuse from the Dean of Undergraduate Studies will be required to make-up a test or the final exam.  Short answer (true-false, fill-in-the-blank, listing, matching, questions) quizzes will be given on the discussion readings.  Class worksheets and film worksheets will also count as quiz grades. Since I drop the two lowest quiz grades, there will be NO make-ups for quizzes.

Class Participation and Attendance
Students will take turns presenting highlights from their primary document analyses to the class during the last three classes of the semester.  Presentations should be approximately seven minutes long.  See paper worksheet for contents and format. Everyone is expected to participate in class discussions of the readings. Please read materials carefully and critically; you will not get class participation credit for talking off the top of your head!  Attendance will be taken daily and seven points will be subtracted from your attendance grade for every unexcused absence. If you must miss a class for a college activity, please let me know beforehand.

Final grades will be based on a weighted average of the hourly tests (30 percent or 15 percent each), the analytical paper (20 percent), class presentation of primary document (10 percent), quizzes, class participation, and attendance (20 percent), and the final examination (20 percent). The following grading scale will be used: A = 90-100; B+ = 86-89; B = 80-85; C+ = 76-79; C = 70-75; D = 60-69; F = 0-59.

Daily Assignments
Jan 09        Course Introduction; Southern Distinctiveness
Jan 14        The First Southerners
Jan 16        Visit to South Carolina Historical Society, 100 Meeting Street
Jan 21        Discuss: The Devil's Lane
Jan 23        Discuss: The Devil's Lane
Jan 28        From Innocence to Indigo
Jan 30        African Heritage; Film: Digging for Slaves
Feb 04        Discuss: Fanny Kemble's Journals
Feb 06        Discuss: Fanny Kemble's Journals
Feb 11        Mary Boykin's Civil War
Feb 13        First Hourly Examination
Feb 18        Race, Class, and Gender in the Post-War South
Feb 20        Discuss: Born in Slavery
Feb 25        Film: Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman
Feb 27        Film: Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman
Spring Break
Mar 11        Progressivism: For Whites Only
Mar 13        Women's Suffrage
Mar 18        Discuss: Mothers of the South
Mar 20        Discuss: Mothers of the South
Mar 25        Second Hourly Examination
Mar 27        Women in the Freedom Movement; Film: Eyes on the Prize I: Awakenings
Apr 01         Discuss: Coming of Age in Mississippi
Apr 03         Discuss: Coming of Age in Mississippi
Apr 08        Southern Women Today; Film: Steel Magnolias
Apr 10        Southern Women Today; Film: Steel Magnolias
Apr 15        Class Presentations; Papers Due
Apr 17        Class Presentations
Apr 22        Class Presentations

May  1       Final Examination   8:00 - 11:00 am