STUART ENGLAND,  1603-1714    SPRING 2005

Instructor:   Dr. A. McCandless
Office:   327 Maybank / 210B Randolph Hall
Telephone:  953-8025 / 953-5527
Hours: 8:00-9:15 TR,  or by appointment

Purpose of the Course
History 355 will examine the economic, political, social, and cultural changes which occurred in England from the accession of the first Stuart king in 1603, through the Interregnum, and to the accession of the first Hanoverian king in 1714.  Lectures and readings will cover various ideological and historical interpretations of important individuals, events, and ideas and consider the major contributions of the period to the creation of modern political, social, economic, and cultural  conceptions and practices.

Required Reading
Bucholz and Key, Early Modern England
Abbott, Life Cycles in England 1560-1720
Lagomarsino and Wood, The Trial of Charles I
Smith, Cromwell and the Interregnum
Miller, Glorious Revolution, 2nd edition
Documents on web sites as indicated
Handouts as provided

Students will be expected to participate in one of three classroom debates (scheduled for 15 February, 17 March, and 12 April), focusing on controversial events/issues/ideas of the Stuart period.  Each debate team will be divided in half and one half will argue the affirmative and the other the negative side of the question.  Debates will focus on the conflict between Charles I and parliament, the nature of Oliver Cromwell's rule, and the claims of William III and Mary II to the throne. See Debate Worksheet for details on format and content.

In conjunction with the debates, each student will write an essay analyzing the issues involved in his/her debate.  The paper should summarize the major points of each side and explain why one interpretation is more plausible than another.  Papers should be approximately ten - fifteen  typewritten pages and will be due on 26 April.  See Paper Worksheet for details.

Quizzes and Tests
There will be a midterm examination and a comprehensive final.  Both short answer and essay questions will be asked.  Pop quizzes will also be given occasionally on daily readings (to keep everyone inspired).

Class Participation and Attendance
Class participation is an essential part of the course (I dislike talking to myself).  Daily attendance is highly recommended since a considerable part of the lecture material is not covered in the outside readings and excessive absences will detract from your understanding of the period (and from your grade).  Please feel free to ask questions in class or e-mail me  about issues raised in the lectures or in the readings.

The following grading scale will be used:  A = 90 - 100; B+ = 86 - 89; B = 80 - 85; C+ = 76 - 79; C = 70 - 75; D = 60 - 69. The final grade will be computed as follows:  Midterm examination--20 percent; pop quizzes, class participation, and attendance--20 percent; debates--20 percent; debate paper--20 percent; final examination--20 percent.

Assigned material should be read before the designated date on the syllabus.

Jan 13      Course Introduction
John Warren, "Whig History: (

Jan 18      The Social Order
B&K 152-193; Gregory King (B&K 354-355); Lecture Outline

Jan 20      The Political Background
B&K 133-151; Lecture Outline

Jan 25      The Cultural Milieu;  Film: The Muse of Fire
B&K 194-200; "Muse of Fire" handout

Jan 27       The Wisest Fool in Christendom?
B&K 201-222; Lecture Outline

Feb 01       Church Reform
"The Authorised Version of the Bible"; Millenary Petition
B&K 222-225; Lecture Outline

Feb 03      Scottish King/English Constitution
Commons Petition; Lecture Outine

Feb 08      "Baby" Charles
B&K 226-237; Lecture Outline

Feb 10      Debate teams meet; no class

Feb 15      FIRST DEBATE: Was Charles I Guilty of Treason?
Labomarsino and Wood,  The Trial of Charles  I

Feb 17     Civil War
B&K 238-255; Lecture Outline


Feb 24      The World Turned Upside Down:  Political Radicalism
B&K 255-264; Lecture Outline

Mar 01      The World Turned Upside Down: Religious Radicalism
            (Look at Diggers, Fifth Monarchists, Quakers, and Ranters)

Mar 03      The Weaker Vessel
"Base Impudent Kisses" handout; Lecture Outline


Mar 15     Film: Cromwell

Mar 17     SECOND DEBATE: Was Oliver Cromwell the protector of England's ancient rights and  liberties?
Smith, Cromwell and the Interregnum

Mar 22     Royal Charles
B&K 265-288; Lecture Outline

Mar 24     The Restoration
B&K 265-288; Lecture Outline

Mar 29     Discuss: Life Cycles in England
Abbott 5-145

Mar 31     John Evelyn's Diary: Plague, Fire, and  Politics

Apr 05        Discuss: Life Cycles in England
Abbott 151-303

Apr 07        The Scientific Revolution; Film: Science Revises the Heavens (The Day the Universe Changed, Part 5)

Apr 12     THIRD DEBATE: Were William and Mary the "legitimate" rulers of England?
Miller, The Glorious Revolution

Apr 14      The Glorious Revolution
B&K 288-301; Lecture Outline

Apr 19        Tories and Whigs
B&K 302-317

Apr 21       Semper Eadem?
B&K 317-339; Lecture Outline

Apr 26       England in 1714; PAPERS DUE
B&K 340-376

 May 3     FINAL EXAMINATION 8:00 - 11:00 am